Here, you can find some helpful vocabulary for your driving theory test and your practical driving test in Spain. You will find the word in English and Spanish, and you will also be able to see how the word is pronounced. Hopefully, this will help you get your Spanish driving licence!
Car parts in Spanish
Accelerator | Acelerador | ah-theh-leh-rah-dohr |
Back window | Luna trasera | loo-nah trah-seh-rah |
Battery | Batería | bah-teh-ree-ah |
Bonnet | Capó | kah-poh |
Boot | Maletero | mah-leh-teh-roh |
Brake | Freno | freh-noh |
Clutch | Embrague | ehm-brah-geh |
Engine | Motor | moh-tohr |
Front windscreen | Luna delantera | loo-nah deh-lahn-teh-rah |
Gear box | Palanca de cambios | pah-lahng-kah deh kahm-byohs |
Handbrake | Freno de mano | freh-noh deh mah-noh |
Horn | Claxon | klahk-sohn |
Ignition | Arranque | ah-rrahng-keh |
Left side mirror | (Espejo) retrovisor izquierdo | (ehs-peh-hoh) rreh-troh-bee-sohr eeth-kyehr-doh |
Number Plate | Matrícula | mah-tree-koo-lah |
Rearview mirror | (Espejo) retrovisor | (ehs-peh-hoh) rreh-troh-bee-sohr |
Right side mirror | (Espejo) retrovisor derecho | (ehs-peh-hoh) rreh-troh-bee-sohr deh-reh-choh |
Seat | Asiento | ah-syehn-toh |
Seat belt | Cinturón de seguridad | theen-too-rohn deh seh-goo-ree-dahd |
Side windows | Ventanillas | behn-tah-nee-yahz |
Steering wheel | Volante | boh-lahn-teh |
Tyres | Neumáticos | neyoo-mah-tee-koh |
Window wiper | Limpiaparabrisas | leem-pyah-pah-rah-bree-sahs |
Brake light | Luz de freno | looth deh freh-noh |
Dipped-beam | Luz de cruce | looth deh kroo-theh |
Fog lamps | Faros antinieblas | fah-rohz ahn-ti-nyeh-blahz |
Full beam | Luz larga | looth lahr-gahr |
Indicator | Intermitente | een-tehr-mee-tehn-teh |
Lights | Luces | looth-es |
Side lights | Luz de posición | looth deh poh-see-thyohn |
To accelerate | Acelerar | ah-theh-leh-rahr |
To beep | Pitar | pee-tahr |
To brake | Frenar | freh-nahr |
To carry on | Continuar | kohn-tee-nwahr |
To change gear | Cambiar de marcha | kahm-byahr deh mahr-chah |
To check | Comprobar | kohm-proh-bahr |
To drive | Conducir | kohn-doo-theer |
To give way | Ceder el paso | theh-dehr ehl pah-soh |
To indicate | Indicar
Poner el intermitente |
poh-nehr ehl een-tehr-mee-tehn-teh |
To keep to | Mantenerse | mahn-teh-nehr-seh |
To look at | Mirar | mee-rahr |
To make sure | Cerciorarse | thehr-thyoh-rahr-seh |
To overtake | Adelantar | ah-deh-lahn-tahr |
To park | Aparcar
Estacionar |
ehs-tah-thyoh-nahr |
To reverse | Dar marcha atrás | dahr mahr-chah ah-trahs |
To slow down | Reducir la velocidad | rreh-doo-theer lah beh-loh-thee-dahd |
To start the engine | Arrancar | ah-rrahn-kahr |
To stop | Parar
Detenerse |
deh-teh-nehr-seh |
To switch off | Apagar | ah-pah-gahr |
To switch on | Encender | ehn-thehn-dehr |
To turn | Girar | hee-rahr |
To turn around | Dar la vuelta | dahr lah bwehl-tah |
To wait | Esperar | ehs-peh-rahr |
Useful phrases for Spanish driving test
After… | Después de… | dehs-pwehs deh |
At the end of the street… | Al final de la calle… | ahl fee-nahl deh lah kah-yeh |
At the junction… | En el cruce…
En la intersección… |
ehn ehl kroo-theh ehn lah een-tehr-sehk-thyohn |
At the next… | En el próximo/siguiente… | ehn ehl prohk-see-moh / see-gyehn-teh |
At the roundabout… | En la rotonda… | ehn lah rroh-tohn-dah |
At the traffic light… | En el semáforo… | ehn ehl seh-mah-foh-roh |
Before… | Antes de… | ahn-tehs deh |
Head towards… | Diríjase a… | dee-ree-ha-seh ah |
If I don’t say anything, keep going straight on | Si no digo nada, siga recto | see noh deh-goh nah-dah see-gah rrehk-toh |
Keep to the left/right | Manténgase a la izquierda/derecha | mahn-tehn-gah-seh ah lah eeth-kyehr-dah / deh-reh-chah |
Make a U-turn | Haga un cambio de sentido | ah-gah oon kahm-byoh deh sehn-tee-doh |
Make sure that… | Cerciórese de que… | thehr-thyoh-reh-seh deh keh |
On the motorway… | En la autovía… | ehn lah ow-toh-bee-ah |
Slow down | Reduzca la velocidad | rreh-dooth-kah lah beh-loh-thee-dahd |
Take the first exit | Tome la primera salida | toh-may lah pree-meh-rah sah-lee-dah |
Take the second exit | Tome la segunda salida | toh-may lah seh-goon-dah sah-lee-dah |
Take the third exit | Tome la tercera salida | toh-may lah tehr-theh-rah sah-lee-dah |
Turn left | Gire a la izquierda | hee-reh ah lah eeth-kyehr-dah |
Turn right | Gire a la derecha | hee-reh ah lah deh-reh-chah |
When possible… | Cuando sea posible…
Cuando usted pueda… |
kwahn-doh seh-ah poh-see-bleh kwahn-doh oos-tehd poo-eh-dah |
Where is…? | ¿Dónde está…? | dohn-deh ehs-tah |
At Lex-Fix Abogados y Traductores, we really hope that you find this vocabulary useful for your driving test and that you all pass the exam! If you have any questions, please contact us.